A Roblox Review Blog

Blue and Red Hats of the Orient-A Dynamic Duo

My View: These are two of my all time favorite hats. They fit well, go great with almost everything, and just scream ROBLOX with the way they look. They are both simplistic yet detailed, and they can fit without almost any outfit of matching color as I feel I have proved. I personally would recommend both these hats to everyone if they ever went limited.

The Numbers: The red one sold for 150 R$ and the blue for 12,000 Tix, which then raised to 16,000 before they where taken off sale. In the short time more then  a year ago the red one managed 2,665 sales, and the blue 198 sales. Many people appear to like them and the blue is a semi-rare hat.

Official Review
Stand-Alone Looks
~These hat actually look very good alone. The simplistic style to them and minimal coverage makes them just feel like they are snug and happy alone. While not giving a lot to the character they do offer deep color in which very much improve outfits that match.
Combo Usability
~Being so small these hats are highly usable in combos with other items. Anything floating of on the head/neck/back is accented amazingly well because this hat does not interfere with it much if at all. The viberant colors also bring out the color in hats that match.
Character Fit
~This hat is snub on the character and fits both in style and size. It is not big and awkward, nor small and pesky. It just matches the characters head so well, and leaves no hanging off, weird looking ends, nor does it seem painful for the character to wear.
~These hats, though based off something actuall, are decently original. They are not simliar to any other hats on roblox, nor are they something horribly cliche. It was a good idea to use them, and isn’t something stolen form anyone else.
ROBLOX Feel:5/5
~Both of the hats very much feel like they fit into ROBLOX. They blend with the simplstic style while adding detail. I feel both these hatss could not belong any more then they already do.
*Added notes*
+1 Because they just hit so well and I love them so much!

Overall: 48/50 [96%]
Very Strongly Recommended!

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